FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: Are these books really free?
A: Yes they are – please download and use them!
Q: How many books are there?
A: The number of books available is growing all the time. The reading scheme is fully-defined, and we are working to create the relevant text and images, and then produce the books in PDF format.
Q: How will I know which level to start my child on?
A: Each level has a list of words to read before the next level. If your child can read most of the words in level 1, then she is probably ready for level 2. If she can’t read words from level 1 but knows the alphabet then level 1 is the place to start. Level 0 is alphabet work. The beginning is always a good place to start – even if it is too easy, as it builds up confidence in their ability to read.
Q: Should I read the book to my child before they read it to me?
A: This depends very much on the child. You do not want the child to memorise the book, the objective is to read. When a child lacks confidence it can be good to read the book first. When you are not sure if memory or reading skills are being used try reading the page backwards, or pointing at specific words to be read. There is a list of new words introduced at the back of each book, new words will need more assistance and can be looked at and read before you start the book.
Q: How can I get more out of each book with my child?
A: At the end of each book are some questions that have a comprehension style to them. This ensures your child is ready for future work at school. You can insist on receiving full verbal sentences for answers. Where is the pirate? “The pirate is on the Island.” Ask as many questions as you can think of, include maths – how many pirates in the book?, include geography – what is an island?, include memory skills – what colour is the pirates trousers? The books can be consolidated with the child’s own pictures of the characters with relevant words copied from the book.
Q: Can I use this scheme to learn Portuguese?
A: Yes, although it was not written for this purpose. It is an ideal way to learn Portuguese by reading picture books and through the gradual build up of vocabulary and use of verbs. It is better to learn through picture association than through translation. Grammar rules are also introduced that help readers to understand basic group letter sounds.