Let’s read Portuguese!

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Linda Clayman

Hello Rosa – Thank you so much for making this fine work available to my 2 year old Grandson. We have lived in Portugal for just a few years, and Isaac is just beginning to say a few words in Portuguese. I will be sending a donation on his behalf. Please be strong, and remember this gift you have given to our children will live on for ever in your name. Best wishes

Carla Cartucho, Mother and business woman, Lagos

Hello Rosa .. Thank you for you devotion to the smallest ones and for presenting these books … Many children are going to learn with pleasure their first words in Portuguese. It’s so good to help others * Thanks *

Eve Hulbert, Special Needs Teacher

Dear Rosa, I love the look of your books, and I think they will be of great help to young children, in particular those with learning difficulties. I look forward to using them all!

Caroline Adams, Almancil

Dear Rosa – My children learnt basic Portuguese using these interesting and imaginative books. Your work helped to prepare them for Portuguese school, in a fun and systematic way. The children and I wish you all the best with your books and hope in the near future more children will have access to these wonderful, and interesting books. Kind regards.


Hi Lesley

I’m Carla, I have been looking at your site and enjoyed it. I’m going to download for my daughters, they also want to know if you find yourself well I wish you much happiness and improvements give me news.

Ellen Gently

These reading books are ideal for children to read to their parents, friends and teachers, putting in the sort of practice that is essential for early reading.

Matthew & Dawn


I hope you received my donation!?

Sorry to hear you’re not that well. Me and my mum are living in Ireland now… I still remember you as my BEST teacher … and this is a little something for your books..

David Fish, Lagos

Hi Rosa – You have produced outstanding results helping children to progress with reading and writing in both English and Portuguese, a natural empathy with children and a deep understanding of how they learn.

The Rosco Foundation

For Rosa our love
For Rosa our hearts
For Rosa our thanks

You will always be with us
Never to part we are with you

Patricia Westheimer

Hello Rosa, I just received an email informing me about your wonderful work. I am the Godmother of children at the SOS Children’s Village near Estoril. There are many children in the village that can’t read. With best regards and respect

Let’s read




A good foundation in alphabet is crucial for all subjects, where reading and writing are involved.

These reading books are ideal for children to read to their parents, friends and teachers, putting in the sort of practice that is essential for early reading. They progress gradually in vocabulary and grammar, with amusing characters and story lines, that have already been tested and enjoyed by many children. All books are written in a variety of different styles, fact and fiction, rhymes and narrative and speech. They provide a link between the school and the home with interesting points for discussion and play acting in accordance with the Portuguese Language Curriculum.

Below you will find the books and other reading materials currently available for download.

All reading materials are in PDF format. You can also download all the material for a level as a single ZIP archive.

Level 0

Read about Level 0

Materials   0.1 Paper simple alphabet letters index – made the book
0.1, mounted on cardboard and laminated.
0.2 Alphabet Book – read alphabet song Paper
0.3 – 0.4 write alphabet book – bilingual
Objectives   Children have practised recognising the small print and making their sounds. “A” Listening examples of things that start with each letter. “Ana angel yellow ring” Recognizing the right way to write form letters and simple. development of listening skills and awareness of words Recognize the names of objects and say the first sound of each word. “Ring begins to” recognize the letters when they are presented in letters wrapped – out of alphabetical order. Sing the alphabet – to hear the sounds. They can hear and see and point (move) Give Examples of things that start with each letter. add the letters to the members ba be bi bo bu games with cards of the simple book – the child wins the cards that I know) says the name of the picture – cat b) says the sound image “cat begins with the sound g”. c) joins the SOMs and read the word “ga to = cat “d) shows how to write letters with your finger or pencil.
Differentiation   Each child takes time I need. Can read and repeat games with the cards to recognize.
Appraisement   When the child recognizes almost all letters and their sounds then they are ready for Level 1. It’s good to write simple letters to form correctly because some help to fix the head! The proper formation of simple lyrics helps writing in the future.

Simple alphabet

Reading alphabet

Writing alphabet

Bilingual alphabet

Level 0 pack (all PDFs)

Level 1

Read about Level 1

Materials   8 books
Objectives   The child has:
– Practice in recognizing letters and sounds together to “hear” the words. EX: to ga = cat
– Practice in recognizing words and simple sentences.
– Repeating the words of the mainstream
– Practice in guessing the text of the images, and in the context of history
– Practice in comprehension, speaking and listening.
– Practice using the list of words written to recognize / read individually. The words can be cut and mounted on cardboard and laminated.
– Practice using the words on cards to make their own sentences
– Can write / copy the sentences and make a drawing.
Differentiation   Children with learning difficulties need more practice with each book and every word. The books suffixed ‘a’ were written to such give support. Children that are doing well do not need to read the ‘a’ books, bt of course may do so. Books 7-9 are the most difficult, having more vocabulary.
Appraisement   When the child recognizes and reads all the words of Level 1, they may move up to Level 2. Also evaluates the alphabet again, and if all is right, introduces the letters with capital letters

1.1. A bruxa

1.1a As fadas

1.2a O gato

1.3 Onda está

1.4 Zero piratas

1.5 A bruxa tem dentes

1.6 Onde está a fada

1.7 O gato na lama

Level 1 pack (all PDFs)

Level 2

2.2a Onde está?