Let’s read Portuguese!

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Caroline Adams, Almancil

Dear Rosa – My children learnt basic Portuguese using these interesting and imaginative books. Your work helped to prepare them for Portuguese school, in a fun and systematic way. The children and I wish you all the best with your books and hope in the near future more children will have access to these wonderful, and interesting books. Kind regards.

Carla Cartucho, Mother and business woman, Lagos

Hello Rosa .. Thank you for you devotion to the smallest ones and for presenting these books … Many children are going to learn with pleasure their first words in Portuguese. It’s so good to help others * Thanks *

Linda Clayman

Hello Rosa – Thank you so much for making this fine work available to my 2 year old Grandson. We have lived in Portugal for just a few years, and Isaac is just beginning to say a few words in Portuguese. I will be sending a donation on his behalf. Please be strong, and remember this gift you have given to our children will live on for ever in your name. Best wishes

The Rosco Foundation

For Rosa our love
For Rosa our hearts
For Rosa our thanks

You will always be with us
Never to part we are with you


Thank you so much for all of this and all you have given to children all these years.
I am sure Laurinha will love them and they will bring very good memories to her head and heart.

Big kiss with good wishes

Patricia Westheimer

Hello Rosa, I just received an email informing me about your wonderful work. I am the Godmother of children at the SOS Children’s Village near Estoril. There are many children in the village that can’t read. With best regards and respect

Ellen Gently

These reading books are ideal for children to read to their parents, friends and teachers, putting in the sort of practice that is essential for early reading.


Hi Lesley

I’m Carla, I have been looking at your site and enjoyed it. I’m going to download for my daughters, they also want to know if you find yourself well I wish you much happiness and improvements give me news.

David Fish, Lagos

Hi Rosa – You have produced outstanding results helping children to progress with reading and writing in both English and Portuguese, a natural empathy with children and a deep understanding of how they learn.

Matthew & Dawn


I hope you received my donation!?

Sorry to hear you’re not that well. Me and my mum are living in Ireland now… I still remember you as my BEST teacher … and this is a little something for your books..


A new home, and a fantastic new download record

15-Apr-21 The website has been updated and modernised, and is now hosted on a new green server powered by 100% renewable energy.

At the time of moving, there had been an almost unbelievable 25,838  downloads. Rosa, your work continues to spread and inspire – thank you!

The books continue to spread

9-Aug-19 It’s now nearly 10 years since the books went online, and so far there have been 18,118 downloads – about 4,000 in the last year, so that means that the rate of downloads continues to grow. Fantastic!

Downloads continue, at an ever-increasing rate

12-Sep-18 There have now been a total of 14,295 books downloaded, which is more than 10,000 in the last 4 years, and the rate continues to rise. Well done Lesley x

Wow! Total downloads: 4102

3-Aug-14 Well done Lesley, your work continues to spread 🙂

Rosa’s work continues to spread

14-Feb-2011 Lesley would be very happy to know that her books continue to be requested and her work lives on. Since she left us there has been a steady and increasing stream of downloads. By today, 930 books had been downloaded, and the magical figure of 1000 downloads is now in sight.


There is now a page on Facebook in memory of Lesley, and there are already many moving entries.

Lesley’s funeral

The funeral is at 10:30am on Monday 7th June at the Igreja de São Lourenço in Almancil, and is a humanist ceremony. It was Lesley’s wish that there were to be no cut flowers.

For those travelling from the West Algarve, directions can be found here.

Rosa died peacefully on the morning of 1st June 2010 – International Children’s Day

In the early hours of 1st June, 2010 Lesley Stephens (Rosa) passed away peacefully at home.

Sadly, on International Children’s Day, the children of the world have lost one of their greatest friends and champions.

Through this site her work can live on, and she can continue to help children take their first steps in reading the Portuguese language. Since the site first came online in October 2009, over 500 books have been downloaded. Please spread the word on the existence of this precious resource – and let the children read.

Level 2 is on its way

The level 2 books are now starting to be uploaded to the site.

Over 100 downloads in the first week

Since the site opened on 22-Nov-09, over 100 books have already been downloaded. A big thank you goes to all of you for helping the children to read. Spread the words!

Level 1 is on its way

The level 1 books are now starting to be uploaded to the site. We expect to have the full set available with the next few days.

The full set of level 0 books are now available

The books for level 0 are now available for download.