Rosa died on 1st June 2010. Here, in her own words, she talks of her life and motivations.
Hello and welcome to this site
My name is Lesley Stephens – I use the Portuguese pen name of Rosa Estevens. I have lived in Portugal since 1972 and in many ways I feel Portuguese. I have taught in an International school in the Algarve for over 25 years, as coordinator for the Infant section with special responsibility for facilitating the learning of Portuguese.
In England and Spain there are early reading and alphabet schemes available, but nothing similar existed in Portugal. Using my experience of using many different schemes in English I have written one in Portuguese. Initially I made and used my own alphabet and reading books by hand, and wrote an Alphabet Project and Reading Scheme that I used in my classes. I now want to help the Portuguese children in their foundation of the educational process, and try to benefit the children of the country where I feel I belong.
Despite many years of searching, I have been unsuccessful in finding a publisher for these books. Now I have terminal lung cancer and my time is running out – so rather than all my years of work and research being lost, I have decided to give my work away free on the internet to get it to the children, teachers and parents that can benefit from it. With the help of friends who have donated their time and energy, we have created this web site.
There is a donations button should you wish to donate for the use of this material. The money will be used to extend my life: giving me money to continue with acupuncture, to be able to eat better organic foods and to continue taking vitamins and supplements, so that I may continue working on finishing these levels for the children. The state gives me a minimal amount to live on, so any contributions will be very welcome.
Upon my death any future donations will go to a local children’s charity.
Thank you for using this site. Please help to spread the word of this material and let the children read!
Lesley Stephens – Rosa Estevens

Update: April 2010
We are now approaching the magical figure 500 downloads! Thank you so much for getting my work to the children and helping them read. Please spread the word and carry on downloading – you inspire me to continue!
I have received many donations and so many messages of thanks and encouragement, which have overwhelmed me with joy. Some of them can be seen in the box on the left of each page. Thank you so much! I’m sorry I can’t reply personally to each one – there are so many, and I’m not as strong as I was! Please keep them coming, they mean so much to me.
Meanwhile my treatment continues, and some great news – the government have at last agreed to raise my pension 🙂
Love and best wishes to you all.